
毎週木曜日5:30PMから30分間、Clinical Problem-Solvingを素材にクリニカル・パールを拾い集めます。

Weak Reasoning: Diagnosis by Drug Reaction




【私の読了にかかった時間】13分56秒 (186 wpm)


  • But the consulting neurologist recalled several reports that suggested that intravenous erythromycin can uncover or exacerbate myasthenia gravis in children and adults.

  • Although an image is sometimes said to carry far more information than thousands of words, clinicians have long recognized that the physical examination, even when supplemented by x-ray images, is far less effective in establishing a context for diagnostic reasoning than a detailed history.

  • Acute respiratory distress is particularly problematic because effective therapy -- intubation -- can impair communication and make gathering additional historical information from the patient difficult and sometimes almost impossible.


  • いつも言われていることだが問診は大切ということ。特に今回は、「挿管前に問診」"Interview before intubation." というのが、最大の教訓か。

  • 呼吸回数は大切。

  • Myasthenic crisisを起こす抗菌薬は、Aminoglycosides, Macrolides, Quinolone。他には、緩下剤のマグネシウム塩。アミノグリコシドマクロライド、ポリミキシンB、ベンゾジアゼピン、塩酸プロカインアミド、ダントロレンの語呂合わせで、「網を巻くポリスが便所で風呂ダンス」という覚え方もあるとか。