
毎週木曜日5:30PMから30分間、Clinical Problem-Solvingを素材にクリニカル・パールを拾い集めます。

第26回:"In Sight and Out of Mind"

 タイトルは『文選・古詩十九首』の「去者日以疎」に相当する英語の諺 "Out of sight, out of mind."をもじったのでしょう。南山堂さんの訳は、「疎きもの、再び来たる」です。


Word Count:2636語 (Time:  18'36'', 142 wpm)



  • The classic rash in patients with measles develops in a cephalocaudal and centrifugal distribution; if this pattern is described by the patient, it may provide an important clue. Of the prodromal symptoms known as the “3C’s” of measles — cough, coryza, and conjunctivitis.
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever was reported in only 15 patients per 100,000 population in 2013, and cases of measles far outnumbered those of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in 2014.
  • Koplik’s spots are transient and are noted in only 50 to 70% of patients with measles.
  • Transmission through aerosolized droplet nuclei has been detected in closed areas for up to 2 hours after a person with measles occupies the area.


  • 本題は、麻疹でしたので、そこから珍しい感染症の話、Borrelia miyamotoiとか、日本脳炎とWNVとか、地元のロシア春夏脳炎ウイルスの話とかに話が広がりました。