
毎週木曜日5:30PMから30分間、Clinical Problem-Solvingを素材にクリニカル・パールを拾い集めます。

第27回:"Sick as a Dog"



Word Count:2680語 (Time:  19'01'', 141 wpm)



  • Specifically, Yersinia pestis has previously been misidentified as P. luteola on automated blood-culture systems and is endemic in the western United States, including Colorado. P. luteola is a rare human pathogen that is typically found only in patients who have compromised immune function or implanted hardware, neither of which appears to apply to this patient.
  • Y. pestis is listed as a category A (high-priority) bioterrorism agent by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and biosafety level 3 precautions must be observed for cultured specimens.
  • Although plague is uncommon, all forms of the disease are associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. Clinicians must have a high index of suspicion in the context of severe pneumonia with rapid onset, particularly in immunocompetent hosts who have spent time in endemic areas. Awareness of common clinical manifestations can facilitate early detection and treatment of this highly lethal but treatable disease.


  • 実際、日本では、劇症肺炎が3,4例続くとかなければ、疑われないだろうが、教訓として、自動培養判定器で、P. luteolaが同定されたら、ペストを疑うぐらいは知っておいてもいいかも。近未来、ペスト菌によるテロがないとは言い切れないし。
  • 人獣共通感染症ではないが、北海道は結構、破傷風が発生しているから外傷患者さんではきちんとワクチンをしたほうがいい。