
毎週木曜日5:30PMから30分間、Clinical Problem-Solvingを素材にクリニカル・パールを拾い集めます。

第34回:"Testing Limits"


Word Count:2262語 (Time:  15'15'', 148 wpm)



  • Protracted constitutional symptoms, weight loss, the lack of response to antibiotics, negative blood cultures, and the increasing ESR suggest noninfectious causes.
  • Vasculitides, such as giant-cell arteritis, can be associated with fevers and may explain dry cough and weight loss; the absence of headache, visual symptoms, or jaw claudication does not rule out this diagnosis.
  • The overall survival rate at 5 years is 51% among women with localized uterine leiomyosarcoma and 5% among those with metastatic leiomyosarcoma.


  • 読みが浅いのか、ちょっと退屈な症例。新しい物がいいとは限らない好例か。
  • "Jaw claudication" から、Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome の話へ展開、きっと臨床医はみな「アシュトン・マニュアル」(日本語版[pdf])に目を通しておいたほうがいいでしょう。
  • なにか気がついたことがあれば、"To the Editor" に投稿するといいかも。アクセプトされれば、病院のいい宣伝になりますね。

第33回:"Diagnosing One Letter at a Time"

 病名は、Hakase Taroに似たあの病気です。It's on the tip on the tongue. 別名でPOEMS症候群ともいい、症状の頭字語が症候群名になっていることが、タイトルの由来となっているのでしょう。

Word Count:2896語 (Time:  19'17'', 150 wpm)



  • The rate of symptom development and progression is often the most valuable historical feature used to differentiate among possible causes. This patient's symptoms developed gradually, making most vascular and bacterial causes unlikely. Since the symptoms progressed over a 5-month period, neurodegenerative and inherited causes are also unlikely. Disease processes that typically develop and progress over a period of months include inflammatory, neoplastic, nutritional, toxic, and atypical infectious diseases.
  • Hyporeflexia in the upper arms with preserved arm strength indicates that the reflex is reduced because of involvement of the afferent (sensory) portion of the reflex arc. Therefore, even without the sensory examination, one can be confident that this disease process is affecting sensory-nerve fibers, localizing the disorder to the peripheral nerve.
  • Patients with the POEMS syndrome usually have uniform demyelination, as suggested by the findings in this patient, whereas patients with CIDP tend to have multifocal demyelination that is more severe in the proximal and distal nerve segments.
  • Sclerotic bone lesions or Castleman's disease (a rare lymphoproliferative disorder) are present in nearly all patients with the POEMS syndrome.
  • Edema and splenomegaly may occur in the POEMS syndrome (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein, and skin changes) and raise suspicion for this diagnosis, especially if demyelination is confirmed on electrodiagnostic testing.
  • A terminal latency index of 0.38 or more, indicating comparatively less distal demyelination, has good sensitivity and specificity for distinguishing the POEMS syndrome from the more common CIDP.
  • The absence of conduction block, temporal dispersion, and sural-nerve sparing and the presence of denervation on needle examination, distal-predominant weakness, and unrecordable sural- and tibial-nerve responses all point to the POEMS syndrome over CIDP.
  • Monoclonal gammopathies of undetermined significance are not uncommon in persons older than 50 years of age and may be associated with a CIDP-like phenotype.
  • VEGF-induced neovascularity and microvascular permeability are postulated to cause most of the hallmark manifestations of this syndrome.
  • Interleukin-12 is also overproduced in the POEMS syndrome and may play a role in the pathogenesis of the disorder.


  • 神経学の議論は難しい。
  • polyneuropathyの患者さんを診たときに頭の片隅にでも浮かんでくるようにしておいたほうがいいかも。「手袋靴下履かせたろう」とか、「手袋のポエム」とかね。

第32回:"A Not-So-Obscure Cause of Gastrointestinal Bleeding"

タイトルは、「もうそんな時代じゃないよ」という意味を込めて、"Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding (OGIB)" に対する皮肉なのでしょう。


Word Count:2553語 (Time:  13'20'', 191 wpm)



  • Angioectasias occur most commonly in elderly patients, especially in those with renal failure or aortic stenosis.
  • Angioectasias are also increasingly recognized in patients with either pulsatile or nonpulsatile LVADs.
  • In patients with either aortic stenosis or an LVAD, a narrow pulse pressure may result in hypoxia of intestinal tissue with subsequent vascular dilatation and angioectasia formation.
  • Both pulsatile and nonpulsatile LVADs induce platelet dysfunction through inhibition of von Willebrand factor
  • Their pathogenesis is uncertain but may be associated with aging-related chronic obstruction of submucosal veins that extends to venules, capillaries, and arteries and ultimately results in loss of precapillary-sphincter competency and development of arteriovenous communications.
  • According to one report, gastrointestinal bleeding is more common among patients with nonpulsatile LVADs than among patients with pulsatile LVADs (20% vs. 10%).
  • The elevated blood urea nitrogen level raises the possibility of an upper gastrointestinal source, although it may simply reflect volume depletion.
  • On presentation, the history of hematochezia followed by melena suggested a lesion of the upper gastrointestinal tract, small bowel, or cecum.
  • In patients with aortic stenosis, large von Willebrand factor multimers, which promote platelet aggregation and clotting, are cleaved to small fragments (which do not promote platelet aggregation) as they pass through an environment with high shear force.


  • 本症例は、LVADが原因でしたが、ASであれば、"Heyde's syndrome"と称されるもの。そして、その名前の由来は、1958年NEJMに掲載されたレターでした。一臨床医でも名前を残せるという勇気を与えてくれると同時に、巨人の肩を借りつつ積み上げていく医学の歴史を実感できる機会となりました。
  • 蛋白が、化学的に変性するのではなく、血流のshear stressで分解して病気を起こすというのが意外でした。
  • ブルガダ3兄弟の本 "Our Most Beloved Electrocardiograms"(邦題:「ブルガダ三兄弟の心電図リーディング・メソッド82 」)に準えて、"Our Most Beloved Cases" を企画すれば、個人的には筆頭の症例です。


NEJMでは "Audio Summary" と題して、2005年11月3日から毎週音声による要約を配信しています。さすが、NEJMというべきか、いち早くWeb 2.0の波に乗ったのですが、正直、内容は本誌の要約というよりは、ティーザー広告のようです。

逆にそれを活かして、課題への取り組みを促すように(?) "Audacity®" というオープンソースソフトで編集し、Clinical Problem-Solvingの記事の部分を切り出し、10回繰り返し、100wpm〜200wpmに速度を徐々に上げたものを、第33回抄読会お知らせのメールから、いっしょにお届けするようにします。






選択肢の6つのコアコンピテンシーは以下の項目となります。 ()内の英訳は公式のものではありません。覚えるときに、PCICPUとかすると想起しやすいかもしれないので、参考までです。
 1. 人間中心の医療・ケア(Person centered care)
 2. 包括的統合アプローチ(Comprehensive approach)
 3. 連携重視のマネジメント(Interprofessional Collaborative Practice)
 4. 地域志向アプローチ(Community oriented Primary Care)
 5. 公益に資する職業規範(Professionally-Led Regulation)
 6. 診療の場の多様性(Various clinical settings or Ubiquity)












受付期間: 2016年7月1日 〜 2016年9月30日
送付先 : 日本専門医機構 郵送及びメールでの送付


〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内3-5-1 東京国際フォーラム D-3F
一般社団法人 日本専門医機構 気付
日本専門医機構 総合診療領域研修委員会 宛
(封筒の表紙に、「総合診療専門研修特任指導医レポート 在中」と記載して下さい)

【E-mail】 senmoni-sougoui@wind.ocn.ne.jp


第31回:"Tip of the Tongue"

 タイトルは、「舌先」と「ことばのヒント」という意味を掛けたのでしょうか。リハビリの分野では、「舌先現象」という言葉もあるそうです。TOTとか略すそうです。(参考:"Tip of the tongue" Wikipedia)


Word Count:2886語 (Time:  15'17'', 189 wpm)



  • Clinically significant dysarthria is not seen with unilateral hypoglossal nerve palsies.
  • Bilateral lower motor-neuron lesions of the tongue result in bilateral atrophy, weakness, and fibrillations of the tongue with marked flaccid dysarthria and dysphagia.
  • The overall incidence of leptomeningeal carcinomatosis is approximately 5% among patients with solid cancers, and this rate has increased over time, probably owing to better diagnostic methods as well as better therapies.
  • Cytologic analysis of the initial CSF sample is negative in 30 to 50% of patients, and a second lumbar puncture should be performed if clinical suspicion is high; only 8% of patients require more than two assessments to yield positive cytologic results.
  • Gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the entire neuraxis is the imaging method of choice, with reported sensitivity ranging from 70 to 94%.


  • Her prognosis is poor, on the order of months. 「月単位」とか言うとき、こんな表現をするのですね。
  • 発話がヒントになるということは、診察は、入ってきた時の挨拶、それ以前に待合室での話し声から始まっているということを再認識させられました。(Her case is a reminder that clinicians must listen not only to what the patient says, but also to how the patient says it.