第34回:"Testing Limits"
Word Count:2262語 (Time: 15'15'', 148 wpm)
- Protracted constitutional symptoms, weight loss, the lack of response to antibiotics, negative blood cultures, and the increasing ESR suggest noninfectious causes.
- Vasculitides, such as giant-cell arteritis, can be associated with fevers and may explain dry cough and weight loss; the absence of headache, visual symptoms, or jaw claudication does not rule out this diagnosis.
- The overall survival rate at 5 years is 51% among women with localized uterine leiomyosarcoma and 5% among those with metastatic leiomyosarcoma.
- 読みが浅いのか、ちょっと退屈な症例。新しい物がいいとは限らない好例か。
- "Jaw claudication" から、Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Syndrome の話へ展開、きっと臨床医はみな「アシュトン・マニュアル」(日本語版[pdf])に目を通しておいたほうがいいでしょう。
- なにか気がついたことがあれば、"To the Editor" に投稿するといいかも。アクセプトされれば、病院のいい宣伝になりますね。